“Using the art of magic to make learning fun!”

If you are seeking someone Energetic, Engaging & Effective. You’re at the right place!

What happens when people aren’t fully engaged?

  • Companies lose up to $500 billion a year with disengaged employees

  • Individuals lose their passion, energy and purpose

  • Everyone loses momentum

People need to reengage in business and life…

Jennifer Webb helps people fully engage and flourish! Each of her four incredible keynotes offers key strategies to help people reenergize and become fully engaged.

Book this bold speaker for your next event and receive off-the-chart results and amazing feedback!

Shortcuts to Success

Here are a few of the strategies you’ll read…

Pause before you say or do anything. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish from the conversation.

Appreciate others for where they are right now and what they’re trying to do. Appreciate up and down the corporate ladder, everywhere you go, and make it genuine. It’s an enormous motivator when it’s sincere, and smells like yesterday’s garbage when it isn’t.

Keep people psychologically safe. When people work from a place of trust and are treated with respect, they thrive. Psychological safety means to never embarrass or call people out in front of others. And if they’re introverted, never surprise them or catch them off guard. People believe they are defined by what they do, and so should always look good in front of others. Praise in public and discuss problems in private.

Expect good results. People always live up and down to our expectations. And they act on what we’re feeling and how we’re responding to them, not by what we’re saying.

Remind people of their choice to feel good regardless of what happens around them. No one’s behavior should derail others. Misery is optional. So is joy. Happiness is a skill and a choice, and you can help others learn this by your actions.

At $10 each it makes a great gift for staff, colleagues and anyone who is continuously on the go and can learn in small, bite-size chunks of wisdom!

Buy 11 for $100, 22 for $200, etc. Note, for orders over 500 please contact us in advance.

What I Do

Jennifer's programs combine magic, psychology, NLP, and Emotional Intelligence to reach people instantly with bold messages of relevancy and content. As a people engager, keynote speaker, author and NLP coach, her most popular programs are designed to propel thinking from challenges and frustrations to "can do" and "possibilities."

Quick Contact

Helping People Fully Engage and Flourish

A few of her prestigious clients include:


As an MBTI Introvert, I am a bit jealous of how comfortable you are communicating on your feet…How creative you have been to integrate the magi

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In my 20 years of attending training, Jennifer was at the top of my list of favorite instructors. She commanded the room. Stated expectations. Called

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AMA Class Participant

“Learning lessons like these and applying them into my daily life is way more impactful than just something I can use for my professional life.

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Class Participant
American Management Association

This class has been excellent. It was engaging and interactive. Jennifer is a fantastic teacher.
She provided some good tools to handle interactions w

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How to Communicate with Diplomacy, Tact and Credibility

The seminar was phenomenal. Not only were the discussions relatable and helpful, but also what I consider to be a healing experience. The participant

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American Management Association participant


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Nine Tips to Transform Your Life Right Now

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