As an MBTI Introvert, I am a bit jealous of how comfortable you are communicating on your feet…How creative you have been to integrate the magic component.
As an MBTI Introvert, I am a bit jealous of how comfortable you are communicating on your feet…How creative you have been to integrate the magic component.
In my 20 years of attending training, Jennifer was at the top of my list of favorite instructors. She commanded the room. Stated expectations. Called on various people. Held us all accountable. Had me engaged the entire time, especially knowing that I could be called on at any time. It was great! The materials provided were very beneficial and not the “same old stuff” I’ve already been provided. Jennifer provided many real-life examples that I can implement in both my professional and personal life.
“Learning lessons like these and applying them into my daily life is way more impactful than just something I can use for my professional life. This can be used for anything. Jennifer is a treasure!“