Wednesday Wisdom – The Magic of Followers

I saw an old YouTube video that intrigued me. A person ventured out on an empty stage during an outdoor event, and started doing a really silly dance. The audience was milling around and ignored the guy completely until a second person joined him on stage and started...

Wednesday Wisdom – Failing is for the Brave at Heart

Anyone who hasn’t failed please raise your hand? A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new, Einstein reminded us. Failure is often the result of taking chances, of getting comfortable being uncomfortable for a short period of time. And it’s much more...

Wednesday Wisdoms – Please Raise Your Hand

Please raise your hand if you try to cram everything in to your day, knowing if you juggle and don’t sleep and ignore basic bodily functions, you can do it all? Hopefully no hand was raised and you’re wise and have realized by now that all of us have to make big...

Shattering Our Four Minute Miles

Anything You Can Do… There’s a fun 1946 show tune by Irving Berlin called “Anything You Can Do” and is about two people bragging—each one is trying to best the other in all their accomplishments. Thinking about that silly song, from the Broadway...

Amazing Lessons from an Antarctic Explorer

Amazing Lessons from an Antarctic Explorer Sitting outside in an unimaginably warm and beautiful January, completely devoid of snow, ice or windchill, I started thinking about Ernest Shackleton and the miracle he pulled off in frigid weather, in a wild and...