Appreciation can create awesome results–when it’s given for the right reason– acknowledging that you value someone for who they are or what they have done. Of course, sometime you never know the results of your appreciation, you just leave a trail of happy emotions and good will in your wake.
Awhile back, pre-Covid, I had to wait forever to get a boarding pass from a gate agent. I went up twice to get it and both times he was slammed with other flights coming in and irate customers. I commented on how frustrating it all must be and thanked him for his patience in dealing with me. Later as I boarded the plane I quipped, “bet you remember me” and he said something to the effect that he sure did. He hugged me and bumped me up to first class.
Where can you show appreciation today? It’s incredibly needed, it inspires others and it’s contagious in the best of ways!
Jennifer Webb—People Engager
If employees aren’t engaged, companies lose millions. If individuals aren’t engaged, they can’t lead, manage and live with confidence, compassion and joy. Engagement is key!