Happiness is a skill and a choice, I write. Attitude is what I deal in, reminding people that we are what we think and we can always choose positivity. And then it dawned on me, with quite a shock, that I was a grouch. And it’s definitely not the way I want to be.
How do I know? Because I can be cross with a customer service rep when waiting to get helped, mutter at a rude driver and complain to myself about all I have to accomplish today.
Grouches are not fun. No one likes to be around a grouch because negativity is contagious. And statistically grouches miss opportunities, fail to inspire others and in general just aren’t as happy. Did I also mention grouches use up more sick days?
All of us have moments when we feel down, and that’s OK. Staying down and adapting a negative mindset gets us nowhere. And like me, you may not even know you’re afflicted with a grumpy mentality. I now choose to experience happiness, regardless of what happens around me. I will check in with myself often to make sure I’m keeping that mentality. Full disclosure, I’ve already fallen off the wagon slightly, but I’m aware and climbing right back up.
Anger is the number one emotion expressed at work, and joy the least. Regardless of our circumstances we still get to choose how we’ll feel. Why not join me in feeling good today? From where I’m sitting, it’s a much smarter strategy.