As I was getting ready to do something I reminded myself it probably didn’t matter anyway, but I would go through the motions because I said I would. Ouch! I couldn’t believe I actually had such a negative perspective on what I was planning to do. I might as well have saved myself the trouble. If I go into anything expecting not to get it, I’ve set myself up for failure as surely as if I tried to make myself fail.
Yet I hear people every day talk about doing so and so, but they know it won’t pan out, or work out, or happen. We all become part of the self-fulfilling prophecy syndrome if we decide to save ourselves the heartache or disappointment by pronouncing right up front whatever we’re trying to do won’t happen.
Yes we can save ourselves a lot of disappointment if we just state we’re not going to get what we’re going after, but on some level this seems an incredible waste and not a very good business strategy. Why not tear our old beliefs down to the studs and rebuild them? We have an opportunity to expect positive results, and start acting, feeling and preparing for the outcomes we want. We won’t get everything, but it’s all good practice (what’s that old saying about practice makes perfect?) and ultimately by creating the energy and belief system that focuses on the positive, we will end up with some incredible results. After all, miracles are just happenings we’ve nurtured and focused on until they become our reality. Which, of course, is a much wiser way to think.