When I was a teenager, I had a boyfriend who drove a car with a hole in the floor, right where my feet should go. I could watch the pavement as we drove; the car was that rickety. Makes me think of some of the world views I’ve driven around over the years, they’ve been clunkers as well.
Have you ever thought of testing the absolute view you’ve been driving around on something? Perhaps there’s another answer that offers more expansion, room for other perspectives? As an example, think of politics. Whether you’re Democrat or Republican, it’s easy to see the other side as officious and wrong. And we often carry that same thought structure to other areas as well.
I’m not suggesting you change who you are, simply that by driving a newer model of beliefs, it makes you one of the people able to see other points of view, an incredibly valuable asset right now. It gives you a head start in creating a framework of trust, collaboration, value, confidence and inclusion.