Apparently I asked all the wrong questions. Is there air conditioning? Does the flap completely close to keep out bugs? Is it true that the men’s and women’s bathrooms here are partitioned only by vines? It was all very weird and different–sleeping in a teepee in Marfa–a small desert town of 1800 in west Texas. It was just about as eccentric as a town can be; everything seemed very alien and I was way outside my comfort zone.
All of us live in a world where our brains screen out different or unusual ideas; 90% of our thoughts, according to research, are repeats. Which means original ideas are few and far between. How often do we say no as a knee jerk reaction before we even consider what we will learn or how an alternative approach might be effective? How easy it is to habitually disagree with others’ ideas or dismiss something if it doesn’t fit our parameters for correct.
Growth comes from getting outside our traditional thinking and trying on ideas that may not seem to fit, but are worthy of our consideration. It keeps us young, flexible and creative. And by the way, not only did I survive my night in a teepee, in a rainstorm, but ended up having a blast. You don’t have to sleep in a teepee to be open to new experiences, just avoid saying no until you consider the merit of suggestions way outside the norm. It keeps you open to all kinds of possibilities.