At one time I was upset with someone who worked for me, and I composed an articulate, lengthy email telling her what she had done wrong. I then sent the email to an old friend and asked her thoughts. She promptly replied back that if I wanted to really make matters worse, go ahead and send the email. I deleted it and called the next day instead. Thank goodness I ran it by her first; she was part of my Square Squad.
Brene Brown in her book Dare to Lead, talks about creating a Square Squad, the people who you trust the most to be candid and focus on your best interest. And this Squad is so small it can be written on a square Post-it, hence the name.
Think about it, who do you know who would be on your squad? We can’t (shouldn’t) do it alone, we need the perspective, wisdom and insight of a few special people. They can also see what our emotional, subjective view point can’t begin to recognize. Why not create your list today? We are always enriched by the wisdoms of others, especially when we’re frustrated or in too much of a hurry to stop and consider the consequences of our actions. If you’re blessed to have even one person for your squad, consider yourself lucky, and go ask that friend to be part of your squad.