Charles Bukowski asked, “Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?”
It can be a scary question at times. It doesn’t have to mean we are in the wrong profession in life—although I’ve known many people who came to that conclusion after years of doing what they didn’t want to do. It can remind us where we are compromising, or where we are we letting well-meaning people tell us what we can’t do, often phrasing it…“Let me save you some trouble, you’ll never be able to…” The problem is sometime we listen, and while others’ perspectives are valuable, they are dangerous if they cause us to doubt our own abilities and dreams.
Amaury Guichon grew up in Switzerland and his teachers told him, when he was only 14, that he was not smart enough to do anything with his life. Because of his poor grades they gave him two options for vocational schools, one of which was culinary. Today he is one of the world’s most renowned pastry chefs and a leading chocolate sculptor. Thank goodness he didn’t listen to those who told him he had no potential.
What are you passionate about that you haven’t allowed yourself to do? Are there things you’re still doing because you were told they were necessary for your success? Things you wanted to do but were told they just wouldn’t work? Where can you liberate yourself today by choosing to change just one habit, one idea, one thing in your life to be more authentic? Life is too short not to be using your talents, energy and passion in ways that give you joy.
As Dr. Seuss reminded us in his inimitable way: “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so…get on your way.”