If you’re a gardener you know the value of repotting. The roots get stunted, the plant starts to lose stamina and strength and if left unattended, will often wither. Humans are the same.
To consciously allow your roots to rot, says the Educare Unlearning Institute, is to stifle your passion and authenticity and not be living the life you were born to live. Repotting plants and humans can be messy, but necessary for vitality. You are here to thrive, not merely survive.
Pay attention to what you’re saying to yourself, about what is and isn’t possible. You’ve probably read it here before, and still I feel it’s worth repeating. People die in their 20’s, they just wait till their 80’s to be buried. Our job is to remain alive and vibrant, and it can happen one small change at a time. Where can you start repotting?