Every time I get to my assigned seat on a plane I begin to worry who might sit down next to me and start talking. If they’re really garrulous, I’ll have to put on my serious teaching face and explain I’m working on a project and can’t talk. In other words,...
I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to relax. I like and take vacations, but when I’m home I cram as much as I possibly can into weekends and evenings. I need a break. Apparently, I’m not the only one. We Americans don’t seem to know how to relax, even though...
I had the privilege of working with some great leaders at ADKF in San Antonio recently, and at the end of the class I asked everyone to please take their buttons and pass them on to colleagues who hadn’t attended. These buttons had positive affirmations on them, and...
Years ago, I was recommended by Dun & Bradstreet to teach a presentational skills class to all employees of a very large bank in Manhattan. It was a really big opportunity and the head of HR asked if I could give her a 20-minute preview of how I...