As I often love to repeat, Einstein reminded us imagination is more powerful than knowledge. So, for just a moment, disconnect from your logical left brain and think about one aspect of your life you might be interested in changing.

Then ask yourself the following questions:

-What would you like to believe?

-What would it feel like?

-What is a belief you are totally certain of right now?

-What does that feel like, to know something absolutely?

-Now, imagine feeling the belief you want just as certainly as the belief you know, and imagine this new belief being on its way and coming in even greater amounts than you imagined.

And to close:

-What if every night as you go to sleep you identify fully with your ideal future self (the one with the new belief)?

-What if every morning you wake up as your ideal future self?

-What if you start thinking, moving, walking and talking like your ideal future self, now?

-What if it is easier to be the ideal self, than it was to be the self who is pretending to be limited?

Note: I would love to give attribution to the author, but I cannot locate the source at this time.

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