It’s so easy to expect the worst, isn’t it? Whether it’s a meeting, a call, a doctor’s appointment or even a holiday, we can go back to similar situations where things didn’t go as planned, or our imaginations take over and we begin creating worst-case...
A reminder, don’t tolerate bad behavior, from yourself. The other day I was having a bad day. I was grumpy, grouchy and despite my good intentions was definitely not someone I wanted to be around. How do I get out of this funk, I thought. Is it just...
Did you get what you wanted this year for Christmas or Chanukah? My holidays were fun and filled with thoughtful gifts from friends and family. I even joined in and gave myself a few things I wanted. Life was good. And, then there was the fire. As I was...
As we have the privilege of going into a new year, let’s not forget what we are capable of, instead of remembering what we believed we couldn’t accomplish or do. Old beliefs are just a collection of ideas we’ve told ourselves again and again, and don’t have to be our...