Have you ever noticed how many people seem to unpack memories of past mistakes and missed opportunities this time of year?
In a recent issue of Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper there was an article on biggest regrets. “One of the hardest lessons I’ve ever had to learn,” commented one person, “is how to forgive myself. I still beat the hell out of myself for any mistakes I make, big or small, but I give myself grace. If you would forgive someone else for making that mistake, why wouldn’t you forgive yourself?”
Like me, you may have made a few mistakes in your past, and perhaps learned a lesson or two along the way. What I’ve learned (the hard way) is that going back over all those mistakes doesn’t help. Paying attention to why something didn’t work and then cutting myself some slack is my best strategy to understanding and moving on.
And as we negotiate all this holiday season has to offer, it seems one of the best gifts we can give ourselves is compassion. Not only is this gift of self-forgiveness a good thing, it enables us to accept our imperfections and at the same time model tolerance, optimism and self-confidence for others, traits that are sorely needed.
As Buddha said, “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.”
May your holidays be a creation of joy and peace, and may these be the precursors of a meaningful year to follow.