Wednesday Wisdoms

Please enjoy! You will find Jennifer’s blogs below the Wednesday Wisdoms, which were the predecessor to WW’s.

Thank you for reading! 

The Power of Bias – We Don’t See What We Don’t See!

Ever try to convince someone of something? You can use statistics, examples and research to demonstrate how right you are, and the person you’re trying to convince becomes more and more entrenched. What in the world is wrong with him you think. It’s as plain as the...

Make a Strong Impression Every Time You Speak

Make a Strong Impression Every Time You Speak You can find excellent professional speakers with impressive credentials and experience wherever you go. How did they achieve their skills? And can you become as good as they are? Understanding the mechanics and...

Surviving & Thriving in a Time of Chaos

It’s human nature to panic in a crisis, who wouldn’t? It’s also human nature to be resilient. You are working right now with a set of beliefs that are either helping you cope and get what you need, or you’re stuck with beliefs that seem to be sabotaging your success...

Having tea with Anwar Sadat’s widow

Having Tea with Anwar Sadat's Widow    Lessons in Leadership     It was pretty surreal, sitting in Mrs. Jehan Sadat’s parlor in Cairo sipping tea. Visiting the wife of the late president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, was part of the tour my son and I...

Happiness 101: A Mandatory Course for Today’s Leaders

 When we think of career success skills, how often do we put happiness on the list?  Happiness is a skill and a choice, and according to Daniel Gilbert, a psychology professor at Harvard, happiness is the ultimate goal of virtually all the decisions we make in life....

Allow Your Destiny … Build Your Successes!

Have you ever noticed that if you’ve a tooth ache or head ache, all you seem to be able to do is focus on the pain? Or if there is construction going on outside your office, all you seem to do is focus on the drilling or incessant noise that doesn’t allow you to...

Success Formula For 2019

Success Formula for 2019 As I was traveling between Muncie, IN and Terre Haute, IN using transportation that was a cross between a taxi and Uber, my driver started telling me her life story. The short version…she was raising her three young grandchildren because one...

Where Can a Paradigm of Kindness Lead?

As I pondered what I wanted to say when I spoke to a breakfast Rotary this week, I thought about a recent trip to New Orleans with my daughter and grandson. We decided to ride the cable car around the Garden District, and since cable cars require exact change I was...

Confidence, Battery-Powered Drills and Visualization

Confidence, Battery-Powered Drills and Visualization My son-in-law wisely chose not to loan me his expensive power drill for my project of drilling holes in the bottom of several flower pots, which forced me to go out and buy the least expensive drill I could find. In...

Watch Out for Wet-Cement Thinking!

Watch Out for Wet-Cement Thinking! Can you imagine how unpleasant it would feel to sit in wet cement before it turned to concrete? How physically exhausting it would be to move and how sluggish every movement would be? The longer you sat the harder it would be for...

Create More Happiness in 2018!

Create More Happiness in 2018! January is always about renewal, fresh starts and new beginnings. It's a wonderful time to shed anything that didn't work well in 2017 and look to better ideas/different approaches for the new year. We make resolutions, often as many for...

What’s the Difference between Mediocrity and Success…Resiliency!

What’s the Difference between Mediocrity and Success…Resiliency! Whether on the battlefield, in the corporate board room or in the class room, one of the most important attributes we can possess, that will actually be a deciding factor in our success or failure, is...

The Secret of Charisma…Five Steps to Create Luck & Opportunity

As I was sitting in an airport waiting for a red-eye recently I was oblivious to the sea of humanity all around me at a large restaurant near my gate. Lost in my emails I glanced up and realized that in both directions there were dozens of people in a dialogue with...

Fuel, Fire & that which you Desire!

When was the last time you were really fired up over an idea or meeting or project? When was the last time you gave yourself permission to have fun or take an hour off during the day? And what were your strategies recently to fire up everyone around you in order to...

Freeze! Now exactly what are you thinking?

  It happened again! Even though I thought I had it under control I ended up just as annoyed with someone; same old problem and same old reaction from me. Very frustrating! It also dawned on me that if I didn’t make a change—primarily in how I was thinking—I...

Misplaced your Passion? Here are Some Great Ways to find it!

Misplaced your Passion? Here are Some Great Ways to find it! People are watching us; how we react to criticism, handle a problem or enjoy our day. It’s what we model to others that matters, not what we’re saying. And Albert Schweitzer said it best when he asserted...

How to Avoid ‘Down’ Days—The Science of Feeling Good

No one has time for a “down” day and most managers won’t understand if we call in “unhappy” or “feeling blah.” We have to function as if we’re in our zone every day, exuding self-confidence; filled with energy and wisdom. Of course things don’t work that way; we all...

What is Your Legacy?

We probably all agree that it would be great to leave an amazing legacy when we die…people remember our good work or our financial benevolence or our intelligent guidance in achieving extraordinary results. That’s all well and good, but what kind of legacy are we...

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