Wednesday Wisdoms – Kindness

Kindness can change any situation, but who has time, right?  I’m ashamed to say I’ve spent plenty of time being brusque, abrupt and not very kind, and quite frankly, I don’t feel very good afterwards. And as I’ve started making a concerted effort to do one small...

Wednesday Wisdoms – Appreciation

Appreciation can create awesome results–when it’s given for the right reason– acknowledging that you value someone for who they are or what they have done. Of course, sometime you never know the results of your appreciation, you just leave a trail of ...

The Power of the Mosquito and Motivating Others

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” You can motivate others regardless of who you are or where you are in life. Have you ever felt like you were too insignificant to make a difference? You may be passionate about...

Confidence Bias – The Power of Persuasion

                         Confidence Bias – The Power of Persuasion Amazing, but people prefer the bold lie to the hesitant truth, says author Brian D. McLaren.  If I’m going to persuade you to...

The Power of Bias – We Don’t See What We Don’t See!

Ever try to convince someone of something? You can use statistics, examples and research to demonstrate how right you are, and the person you’re trying to convince becomes more and more entrenched. What in the world is wrong with him you think. It’s as plain as the...

Did I Tell You Thank you Today? The Benefits of Appreciation!

I did an interesting experiment the other day in a class in Phoenix. The group of individuals in the communication class I was teaching had created such synergy, such a great camaraderie in the two days they had been together that at the end of the class I pointed to...