Whether on the battlefield, in the corporate board room or in the class room, one of the most important attributes we can possess, that will actually be a deciding factor in our success or failure, is resilience, that ineffable quality that enables some people to...
It’s human nature to panic in a crisis, who wouldn’t? It’s also human nature to be resilient. You are working right now with a set of beliefs that are either helping you cope and get what you need, or you’re stuck with beliefs that seem to be sabotaging your success...
Dr. George Land was hired by NASA to develop a highly specialized test that would measure the creative potential of its rocket scientists and engineers, and along with his associate he developed a test that was accurate and simple. Partially because of its simplicity,...
As I pondered what I wanted to say when I spoke to a breakfast Rotary this week, I thought about a recent trip to New Orleans with my daughter and grandson. We decided to ride the cable car around the Garden District, and since cable cars require exact change I was...
As I was sitting in an airport waiting for a red-eye recently I was oblivious to the sea of humanity all around me at a large restaurant near my gate. Lost in my emails I glanced up and realized that in both directions there were dozens of people in a dialogue with...
When was the last time you were really fired up over an idea or meeting or project? When was the last time you gave yourself permission to have fun or take an hour off during the day? And what were your strategies recently to fire up everyone around you in order to...