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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Wish I’d Answered More Emails? NO!
Most people, on their death beds, don’t wish they had stayed at the office longer answering more emails. Instead, their regrets typically begin with not living the kind of life they should have lived, or done the things they had dreamed of doing. In Seven...
Acceptance is Key
According to Chris Voss, former FBI hostage negotiator and author of Never Split the Difference, being accepted and being understood are crucial in effective negotiation, and it seems equally important in most types of communication. He also states in his book...
Reaping Big Results
When in Paris with my daughter years ago, she stopped someone to ask where the war was. She meant to ask where the station was, for a train we were catching, but the words in French are similar (la gare- station and la guerre-war) and it was easy to get the wrong...