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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Idiots or Maniacs?

“Have you ever noticed that everyone going slower than you is an idiot and everyone goingfaster than you is a maniac?” George Carlin The late comedian George Carlin’s remarks hit home for me because I’m always carrying on imaginary conversations with the slow drivers...

Wishing You Epiphanies & Pleasures

I have this future, better self I intended to start working on back in January. I would respond altruistically to situations, handle problems with kindness and offer creative strategies to challenges I’m tasked with solving in my speaking and coaching...

Watch Your Language

As a teenager I can recall being told by certain people in authority to “Watch my language,” probably meaning I wasn’t speaking with enough respect. There’s a broader meaning these days that focuses on how people are sizing up and focusing on a problem.  When...

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