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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Storm Clouds or Ocean Breezes?

It had been a really long day and now we’d been waiting for our check at the restaurant for quite a while. Not the waiter’s fault since the place was buzzing and there definitely wasn’t enough wait staff. I was ready to go ask (nicely) for the check, and I was in a...

What Would You Say?

Some of the most profound and interesting response I’ve gotten in the classes I teach have come from one simple question: Imagine you’re in your 90’s, what advice would you give your younger self on living well? Naturally there were good answers that fell...

Asking for Help – Part Two: What a Surprise!

After a recent blog I wrote talking about the importance of asking for help (You Are Never Too Smart to Be Confused! Ask for Help) quoting Bill Gates commencement speech, I ended up doing something rather painful to my shoulder. The result is I can’t lift my right arm...

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