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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Are We Rearranging Our Prejudices?
William James, often called the father of American psychology, once said that when people think they’re thinking, they’re just rearranging their prejudices. And the same might be said for all of us if we make sure we go to the same people, same channels, same news...
And What Do You Do?
Have you ever befriended someone while camping, hiking, bowling, or any activity where the status of career wasn’t the primary concern? Then later you found out they were in a profession that really surprised you and definitely would have swayed your judgment on...
Yes, Thank You!
Pierre Pradervand in his book, 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World, says he starts his day by saying “Yes, thank you” at least seven or eight times as he gets out of bed. The idea--whatever comes his way that day he will not only be appreciative of, he will be...