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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.

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We Get What We Think About, Whether We Want It or Not!

Stephen Covey had a special presentation he used when talking about priorities. He would ask a participant to try to fit everything into a bowl, including a pitcher of water, big rocks, small rocks and sand. The majority of time there would be a mess, things just...

He Just Doesn’t Get It!

I’ll spend endless hours with my son trying to explain the obvious; he’s wrong and I’m right. And he’ll counter with a statement like, “I don’t know how a woman who is as smart as you can be so dumb when it comes to politics.” Obviously, we don’t agree. ...

Validate, Recognize, Appreciate

I’m guessing you’ve heard or read the saying “People don’t care how much you know when they know how much you care.” We all know those words have merit, but with busy lives it doesn’t mean we have time to put that philosophy into practice. Well, I’ve a friend who...

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