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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Are We Reading the Cues

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could read a person’s non-verbal cues and decide--as a talented culinary chef would do--if we needed to add a sprinkle of warmth or a dash of confidence into the mix, in order to convey to others that we are trustworthy and likable? Sounds...

What’s that Smell?

Have fun with me for a moment. Imagine every time you had a negative thought…he’s such a jerk, that will never work, etc., you emitted a foul smell. Just for a second, but long enough to remind you it was negative. Now imagine everyone had the same affliction, they...

Craig was Awesome!

A few weeks ago, as several members of my family and I were walking along a dirt road to start our tubing adventure at an exquisitely beautiful springs called Ichetucknee, a group came walking up behind us making all sorts of noise. We decided to get away from them as...

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