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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Grizzly Mind Shift
We hiked two miles and had just turned around toward our car when my friend saw it. She pointed to our left and there, about three football fields away, was a grizzly on its hind legs tracking us. She started to run and I quietly hissed that running would make us look...
Eraser Power…Door Number 1 or Door Number 2
“Help people use their mental erasers to forgive and forget what went wrong…Teach them to go from saboteur to cheerleader, remind them to be tolerant with their own mistakes, it’s how we learn and grow.” This reminder from my new Shortcuts to Success book is...
Beautiful Disguises
Most people are winners, some are disguised as losers. Don’t let their disguises fool you, is a reminder from my new book Shortcuts to Success. It’s so important because when we fall back on what we’ve constructed from past experience with people, we lose out on...