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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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The Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” Henry Ford We’ve all read that quote from Henry Ford, and we’ve all heard story after story of people who believed they could, or couldn’t do something, and proved their beliefs were reality....
The Amazing Power of the Wagging Tail
He wags his tail all the time, even while sleeping. His happy attitude is not contingent on treats, toys,praise or fun, he’s just a consummate tailwagger. He’s a canine optimist, who knows whatever happensat any given moment will be good. And this philosophy,...
Negative Commands Can Do Just the Opposite!
The little girl, wearing a fancy white dress, was in a restaurant with her dad. When her chocolate soda came, her dad warned her to remember not to blow on the straw because the chocolate would bubble up and could ruin her dress. Can you guess what she did? Her dad...