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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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The Art of Shifting Old Beliefs
Changing your beliefs can be risky, but it also paves the way for new opportunities, resources, and answers. Clinging to old ideas or beliefs can limit possibilities. I love the quote, “We let our beliefs get brittle way before our bones do” from Adam Grant in his new...
Using Your Magic To Transform Any Situation!
Laurel was a self-taught artist who left home at 14 with a serious bone disease and a few clothes in a paper bag. The jewelry she created was so spectacular that while still a teenager people would stop her in the street to ask about her work. She had a philosophy: “I...
What’s the Difference between Mediocrity and Success…Resiliency!
Whether on the battlefield, in the corporate board room or in the class room, one of the most important attributes we can possess, that will actually be a deciding factor in our success or failure, is resilience, that ineffable quality that enables some people to...