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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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What’s the Difference between Mediocrity and Success…Resiliency!
Whether on the battlefield, in the corporate board room or in the class room, one of the most important attributes we can possess, that will actually be a deciding factor in our success or failure, is resilience, that ineffable quality that enables some people to...
Shattering Our Four Minute Miles
Anything You Can Do... There’s a fun 1946 show tune by Irving Berlin called "Anything You Can Do" and is about two people bragging—each one is trying to best the other in all their accomplishments. Thinking about that silly song, from the Broadway musical Annie Get...
The Power of Synergy…and Face to Face with Legendary Coach ‘Bear’ Bryant
Charming, affable and easy-going, Coach ”Bear” Bryant couldn’t have been nicer when I interviewed him as a young journalist. I did my homework, researching why this man with the houndstooth fedora and strange nickname (which he acquired because he offered to wrestle a...