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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Are You Killing Rapport with your Audience?

Let’s say you have to get up and give a report to a large and important audience. You are well prepared, rehearsed and know you have flawless information. Yet the longer you speak the more uncomfortable you become. Maybe you know you’re great one-on-one but something...

Way to Go Competition! We’re all on the Same Team!

As a Gator fan (a requisite for living in Gainesville, Florida) I see the amazing passion and frenzy that happens at every game; it’s us against them. It’s all about competition and winning! Yet we often forget that the same attitude in the work environment can lead...

Confidence Bias – The Power of Persuasion

                         Confidence Bias - The Power of Persuasion Amazing, but people prefer the bold lie to the hesitant truth, says author Brian D. McLaren.  If I’m going to persuade you to do or...

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