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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Allow Your Destiny … Build Your Successes!
Have you ever noticed that if you’ve a tooth ache or head ache, all you seem to be able to do is focus on the pain? Or if there is construction going on outside your office, all you seem to do is focus on the drilling or incessant noise that doesn’t allow you to...
Success Formula For 2019
Success Formula for 2019 As I was traveling between Muncie, IN and Terre Haute, IN using transportation that was a cross between a taxi and Uber, my driver started telling me her life story. The short version…she was raising her three young grandchildren because one...
Where Can a Paradigm of Kindness Lead?
As I pondered what I wanted to say when I spoke to a breakfast Rotary this week, I thought about a recent trip to New Orleans with my daughter and grandson. We decided to ride the cable car around the Garden District, and since cable cars require exact change I was...