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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Confidence, Battery-Powered Drills and Visualization

Confidence, Battery-Powered Drills and Visualization My son-in-law wisely chose not to loan me his expensive power drill for my project of drilling holes in the bottom of several flower pots, which forced me to go out and buy the least expensive drill I could find. In...

Watch Out for Wet-Cement Thinking!

Watch Out for Wet-Cement Thinking! Can you imagine how unpleasant it would feel to sit in wet cement before it turned to concrete? How physically exhausting it would be to move and how sluggish every movement would be? The longer you sat the harder it would be for...

Create More Happiness in 2018!

Create More Happiness in 2018! January is always about renewal, fresh starts and new beginnings. It's a wonderful time to shed anything that didn't work well in 2017 and look to better ideas/different approaches for the new year. We make resolutions, often as many for...

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