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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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It’s Time to Start Treating People like Dogs!
When a Dog Bites If a dog bites or snaps most of us assume it has had some dreadful past, or at the very least it’s frightened and reacting the only way it knows how. We rethink, or reframe what it did to create a more acceptable account of its behavior. So why not,...
The Magic of Seeing the Part that Shines!
Once when flying somewhere on a business trip I came to my window seat and there was a little old lady in it. I politely told her she was in my seat; she seemed very distracted (or flaky I remember thinking) and moved to the middle seat. Then I saw a yellow plastic...
Pot Roast & the Magic of SOS’s!
Impulse Control and Cookies! In a study on what characteristics are crucial for success, one school of thought says impulse control is very important. Children who were offered one cookie immediately, or a plate of cookies if they waited, were then tracked into...