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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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E + R = O
He was walking in Manhattan when he saw an elderly woman fall in the street. He rushed over to help her and she took his hand, looked up and let go of him and said, “Go back to where you came from.” He came from San Antonio, TX, but because he wore a turban, he was...
Appreciative Inquiry
I’m guessing many of you reading this have been part of a 360 review, where everyone at your work gets to tell you what you’re not doing well and how you can improve. I used to coach an engineer who got such devastating feedback on his 360 review one year that it...
Discussions on a Free Bag of Popcorn
The debate is over, we’ve taken sides and that’s fine. We’re fortunate to live in a country where we getto vote for whomever we choose. However, any language or discussion that leads to anger and meanness is counter productive toeverything we do. Kindness can never be...