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I’m Jennifer. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Going Five Why’s Deep
We all know that asking the right questions and identifying root causes are key in problem solving. And a technique I’ve found useful over the years, primarily because it gets the emotion out of the dialogue, is using the “Five Why’s Deep” formula....
Have You Stumbled Into the Wrong Conversation?
Have you ever wondered if you accidentally stumbled into the wrong conversation? Let’s say a family member or good friend shares something emotional with you. Immediately, because you care for this person, you suggest what should be done to rectify the situation and...
Which Wolf Are You Feeding?
Near the beginning of my keynote speeches, I used to tell a story of two wolves vying for attention. It’s been told in many different ways but the gist is, a father was talking to his son and said, “Inside me are two wolves, one is good and one is evil. And they’re...