Great ideas to keep your mind working for you:
1. Pick a topic or direction for the morning or the day. Stop from time to time to do the litmus test. Ask yourself what you’re thinking/focusing on, and then if necessary, switch gears.
2. Ask yourself who seems on track. Ask them their secrets: what are they reading or doing.
3. Put a feeling with the thought. Emotions propel us in the direction we need to go. When we’re dragging, we haven’t mentally bought into what we’re hoping to do and accomplish. Add a feeling of excitement or wonder or risk, and watch your mood and attitude change.
4. Take recess. Take just five or ten minutes out of the ordinary for a creative break, letting your mind wander, and have fun. A mind at play can be much more focused and creative than a mind that never goes out for recess.
5. Ask yourself, “What if?” It’s a good tool to stimulate mental movement and a batch of new ideas. Example: What if I stopped having the Monday morning meeting and asked everyone to come at 2:00 pm on Tuesday for a speed meeting, five minutes per person to say what their goals for the week are? What if I came up with five good reasons to support the person who is giving me the most grief at work? What if I had pizza for breakfast and eggs for dinner today, and smiled at everyone I met?
What are you thinking about this very second?
Is it taking you where you want to go?