Did you get what you wanted this year for Christmas or Chanukah? My holidays were fun and filled with thoughtful gifts from friends and family. I even joined in and gave myself a few things I wanted. Life was good. And, then there was the fire.
As I was getting ready to put my shoes on to take my dogs for a long afternoon walk, I heard a pop, turned around and flames were shooting up from a surge protector strip. I dashed for the fire extinguisher, put out the flames (not before the wall and floor were burned) and then marveled at my luck. Five minutes later and I’d be out the door, leaving my cat trapped inside with absolute certainty the house would have been burning when I returned. Or, if the project I was working on hadn’t taken so long, I would have left an hour earlier to get groceries, leaving all three animals inside.
Not only is my luck boundless because I was there, but it has given me the kind of perspective on life that has me vowing never to complain again if…I get stuck at an airport, there is a traffic jam or any number of other usually annoying things that make me grumble. If my animals could be spared, and my home as well, I’ve nothing to complain about, at least for the next 25 years.
It’s easy to forget all that we have when things don’t seem to work the way they should. Someone special disappoints us, or we don’t get the job or we hear something unkind someone has said. If we’re human we’re going to encounter “stuff,” it’s inevitable. For me, I just keep thanking my guardian angels that all my animals are alive and well, and I’ve got my home. What an amazing Christmas gift for me.
I challenge you to find your own lucky reminders to consider when needed. It’s a much gentler way to live our lives, based in appreciation.