I wanted to share with you that I’ve got something brand new… a weekly podcast called The Science and Magic of Attitude.
I use the word “science” because we can prove from a cellular level that we are involved in creating our realities. It’s amazing how much power we have over our lives, even right now. And “magic” because we need to suspend our beliefs about what is and isn’t possible if we’re going to thrive in this new normal. Please let me know what you think. You can listen on Anchor.fm/magiccomm.com. If you enjoyed it and felt better after listening, please share my podcast with others.
Finally, a word on kindness…

Kindness can never be overrated. In fact, it’s contagious both neurologically and emotionally and helps us live from a place of calm and compassion. Yet it’s really easy to get caught up in the frenzy of fear that’s going on all around us isn’t it? All we have to do is stay tuned to any channel longer than three minutes to hear more bad news.
Here’s what we know too, with research backing this up. When we only focus on the bad news, we’ll simply give ourselves more stress and make it difficult to live with any kind of normalcy or any degree of peace. In order to keep ourselves resilient and healthy (and model that example for family, colleagues and friends) we need to create a different focus, and looking for examples of kindness all around us is a great way to start.
Have you seen the school children sewing masks? Strangers shopping for strangers? What I’ve noticed is people sharing ideas and resources, and reaching out to folks they don’t know that well, just to make sure they’re OK. There’s a great need for kindness right now, whether it’s picking up the phone, smiling at the mail man or shopping for someone who can’t leave home. Kindness really helps kick in the feel-good chemicals that enable us to endure the hardships with a little less stress.
For many, kindness has already kicked in and is creating its own epidemic; seems there is another story emerging from all that we’re going through. People are rethinking how they’ve lived their lives and are reexamining what’s really important, and appreciation, kindness and purpose seem to be the new norm we’re seeing everywhere. If we find one redeeming quality in this virus that has caused so much heartache, this new sense of caring for each other is a beautiful example of all the possibilities to come.
Stay safe, healthy and positive. Helen Keller reminded us Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. And right now we can use all the optimism we can create, don’t you agree?