I read an article about a mother who was concerned her mentally challenged son would feel hurt at the end of the school day on Valentine’s Day, because other children sometimes made fun of him and she suspected no one would give him a Valentine’s card. But he went to school with a back pack full of cards to share, just the same. When he came home from school she asked, with trepidation, how his day had gone. He was all smiles. He had given away all his cards! No one had given him a card, but he didn’t care, he was so proud of himself for making sure all his had been given away.
What a wonderful reminder that this holiday is about so much more than what we get, who we get it from, how many lights we have up or parties we attend. It’s what we can give to others that really makes a difference. And, of course ,our gifts don’t have to be physical gifts at all, but a kindness, a thoughtfulness, a gentleness, or something else the world needs so much of right now.
Everyday when I look for it, I’m surprised to see just how kind people can be when given half a chance. This is a season where others can feel despondent, left out or forgotten. What a great time for us to remember how blessed we are, and take a second to see what kindness we can share with others.