Were you ever unlucky enough to have a bad boss or teacher? Someone who kept reminding you of what you weren’t good at? Naturally no one is great at everything; it’s never how smart we are, it’s how we are smart.
When we’re of a certain age or in a certain state of mind, we aren’t aware that what we’re hearing about ourselves is toxic and untrue. Any great boss, colleague or friend will see the good in you, it’s those who wish to sabotage that will constantly tell you what isn’t right about you. And those are the folks we don’t need to listen to.
Back when I was young, I had a variety of voices reminding me what I couldn’t do well, and the impact was crippling. It took years before I realized my worth wasn’t tied to what a few people thought and said.
In order to build confidence, which is crucial if we’re going to effectively communicate with or lead anyone, it may be time to do a winter house cleaning. Ask yourself what negative voices are you still giving airtime to in your head? As we get into 2023, it seems the perfect time to let go of decaying beliefs you bought into at one time. Instead, pay attention to what you know reflects your worth and abilities, and value those. Put in new mental recordings that remind you of who you are and what you can do. Without that belief and confidence, you won’t be able to empower others, which is something incredibly needed in today’s work environment.
Stop and take a few appreciation breaks every day. Remind yourself of what you do well and appreciate all that you are and all that is around you. It’s a much smarter strategy!