Have you ever heard of the rabbit effect? I hadn’t. In Dr. Kelli Harding’s book scientists did a study on how diet impacts cardiovascular health, using rabbits that were fed a high-fat diet. Surprisingly, there was 60% less damage to one group of rabbits eating the same high-fat kibble as their peers. When checked, the scientists discovered the appreciably healthier rabbits were all fed by the same person. She was the only scientist who petted and talked to the rabbits while feeding them.
In a time when inspiring people to be and do their best is crucial, think of the simple benefits of creating psychological safety and encouraging people to live up to their potential through kindness. Much like stroking a rabbit, it fosters confidence and a passion to excel. And you have to admit 60% greater response is pretty spectacular. Where can we add kindness to an encounter or tolerance to a conversation? It seems well worth the effort, doesn’t it?