Watch what happens when you empathize with someone instead of trying to fix the issue or probe for more information. It can produce an almost instant change in attitude. Empathy means I get what you’re feeling and going through. Empathetic language can sound like “Sounds as if that’s really frustrating” or “It looks like that has really disappointed you.” You’re not agreeing or lecturing, you’re just offering compassion. And it’s incredibly powerful. It’s the infrastructure you need when you want to build rapport and get to resolution, rather than bringing division through dismissal of someone’s feelings.
Waiting at an airport to get rebooked because my flight had been cancelled, there was a line a mile long and I was just sluggishly moving through it like everyone else. When I got to the front of the line I said something like “It looks like you’re having to deal with a lot today, and with the patience of a saint.” I don’t know what happened but suddenly one seat was available on the flight I wasn’t booked on, and I got the only seat. True story!
Where can you go out of your way to practice empathy today? Notice how people open up when you use this skill with authenticity and concern.
Jennifer Webb—People Engager
If employees aren’t engaged, companies lose millions. If individuals aren’t engaged, they can’t lead, manage and live with confidence, compassion and joy. Engagement is key!