Talking to a client recently who was stressed over the holidays, she talked about having to do things that didn’t really feel right to her. She didn’t like the holidays and resented doing what she felt she had to do. This reminded me of author Martha Beck’s best seller, The Way of Integrity which focuses on the incredible freedom we have when we listen to what matters to us instead of doing what others think should be done. Yes, it can certainly apply to the holidays, and choosing not to send cards, for instance, or participating in any cultural tradition that doesn’t feel right or necessary to you. And more broadly, it applies to everything we do. if we feel burnt out or disingenuous, it certainly can go back to doing what we think we should do instead of what we feel intrinsically is right for us.
As an example, highly acclaimed musician Charlie Puth (who co-wrote and co-performed “See You Again” that got nearly 6 billion views on Youtube) decided in early 2020, that his much-anticipated third album would be scrapped because, as he put it, “None of the music felt real.” After much soul-searching he focused on his own integrity, and announced “I’ll be telling the truth from here on out”.
If we feel uncomfortable in any capacity, it can be a wake-up call to pay more attention to what feels “right” and authentic to us. Mind you being authentic includes being respectful of everyone’s perspective, just as you’re requesting the same from others. A wonderful side effect; you feel more energized, more alive, and you tend to create a contagious environment of positivity.
Thank you for allowing me the privilege of sharing my thoughts with you. I wish you a warm, authentic holiday that offers you the joy and peace that means the most to you.