Isn’t it interesting how often we know there’s something more we want to do in our lives or plan to do sometime in the future, but it never seems to happen. It’s always out there in the future, waiting to be actualized.
Novelist George Eliot reminded us “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” For most of us, the time to make room for what we dream of doing will never come, unless we stop to reprioritize and take ourselves seriously. Regret is an emotion none of us reading this have to settle for, we have the present moment to make changes. For me I call it my 3.0 upgraded version. My Jennifer 3.0 reserves more time for reading and research, and takes time to reacquaint and play two instruments I used to play well. Still, it’s so easy to think of getting to those things in the distant future when time is plentiful and my To-Do list is short. Which, or course, means it would never happen.
And aside from the things I wish to do, my upgrade will also focus on what I need to learn in order to ensure I’m contributing/living on purpose. Our internal growth is not going to be defined by a new number or goal we’ve achieved, instead it’s a continual growth toward awareness and understanding.
Educate Unlearning Institute has this to say on upgrading:
Any fear has its source
in a misapprehension
of your true, authentic self,
and gets to be traded in
for a new model
once you have outgrown
this old, partial version of yourself.
So what’s the upgraded version that you’d like to install? Change requires action, and creating a new habit that includes a behavior change (adding time for you and what’s truly relevant) may take a while, but it’s an investment in the most important person in your life, and well worth it.