Dr. George Land was hired by NASA to develop a highly specialized test that would measure the creative potential of its rocket scientists and engineers, and along with his associate he developed a test that was accurate and simple. Partially because of its simplicity,...
Have you ever noticed that if you’ve a tooth ache or head ache, all you seem to be able to do is focus on the pain? Or if there is construction going on outside your office, all you seem to do is focus on the drilling or incessant noise that doesn’t allow you to...
Watch Out for Wet-Cement Thinking! Can you imagine how unpleasant it would feel to sit in wet cement before it turned to concrete? How physically exhausting it would be to move and how sluggish every movement would be? The longer you sat the harder it would be for...
Create More Happiness in 2018! January is always about renewal, fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s a wonderful time to shed anything that didn’t work well in 2017 and look to better ideas/different approaches for the new year. We make resolutions, often...
It happened again! Even though I thought I had it under control I ended up just as annoyed with someone; same old problem and same old reaction from me. Very frustrating! It also dawned on me that if I didn’t make a change—primarily in how I was thinking—I...
No one has time for a “down” day and most managers won’t understand if we call in “unhappy” or “feeling blah.” We have to function as if we’re in our zone every day, exuding self-confidence; filled with energy and wisdom. Of course things don’t work that way; we all...