This is Gonna’ be My Year!

This is Gonna’ be My Year! Many friends reminded me in their Christmas cards that 2016 was going to be my year. After all I had completed some recent milestones—like finally getting my master’s—and it was time for me to reap the benefits of all my work. And now, as...

Watch out for Your PCC’s…they’re Creating Your Reality!

Watch out for Your PCC’s…they’re Creating Your Reality! The cat was one good morsel for the coyote, easy to kill without even exerting a sweat. However when cat and coyote were walking together and coyote accidentally stepped on cat, cat bounced up to coyote’s eye...

Pot Roast & the Magic of SOS’s!

Impulse Control and Cookies! In a study on what characteristics are crucial for success, one school of thought says impulse control is very important. Children who were offered one cookie immediately, or a plate of cookies if they waited, were then tracked into...

It’s 2:00 pm. Do you know where your mind is?

Great ideas to keep your mind working for you: 1. Pick a topic or direction for the morning or the day. Stop from time to time to do the litmus test. Ask yourself what you’re thinking/focusing on, and then if necessary, switch gears. 2. Ask yourself who seems on...

It’s Time to Brag About Our Numbers!

A Surprising Ratio If you would have asked me my ratio, I’m guessing I would have bragged that it was amazingly low, that I never focused on anything that wasn’t positive and aimed at getting results. However, what I discovered was that I was ruminating over what...