Talking to a client recently who was stressed over the holidays, she talked about having to do things that didn’t really feel right to her. She didn’t like the holidays and resented doing what she felt she had to do. This reminded me of author Martha Beck’s best...
William James, often called the father of American psychology, once said that when people think they’re thinking, they’re just rearranging their prejudices. And the same might be said for all of us if we make sure we go to the same people, same channels, same news...
Have you ever befriended someone while camping, hiking, bowling, or any activity where the status of career wasn’t the primary concern? Then later you found out they were in a profession that really surprised you and definitely would have swayed your judgment on...
Pierre Pradervand in his book, 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World, says he starts his day by saying “Yes, thank you” at least seven or eight times as he gets out of bed. The idea–whatever comes his way that day he will not only be appreciative of, he...
There was a time, many years ago, when I was furious with a client and left her a message telling her she was a liar. Did this help the situation? Unequivocally not. Instead, it took much longer to clear up the issue. Regardless of her behavior my job was to pause,...
My brother visited me recently and we had a blast bouncing back and forth between current reality and memory lane. What was especially fascinating to me though, was the icebergs we uncovered. Some beliefs are so far below the surface we aren’t even aware of them, and...