Crowd of Critics

Have you ever gotten in the way of your own success?  Years ago, when I lived in Manhattan, my NSA (National Speaker’s Association) chapter voted me their representative at a national speech contest. As I prepared for the speech my ego kept reminding me I had to...

Just Because

There’s a silly bluegrass song called “Just Because” about a woman staying with a man, just because, he has lots of money. The song is fun to play, but the “Just Because” mentality is something I hear all the time in the business world. It goes like this: “I am not...

Do It Anyway

I took up the double bass because my guitar teacher told me to pick another instrument; my hands, he said, just weren’t configured to play a guitar. That was a disappointment, but I took up the double bass and loved it.  I have never been a very good musician, but...

Leaving Footprints

In Betty White’s book If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won’t), she is quoted as saying “Everybody needs a passion. That’s what keeps life interesting. If you live without passion, you can go through life without leaving any footprints.” Kind of says it all, doesn’t...

Ode to Joy

Isn’t anticipation delicious? That feeling of excitement laced with the knowledge that something great is just about to happen. Children experience it the night before Christmas, while we adults often experience it right before a well-needed vacation or time off. What...

What’s Your Story?

Ever wonder what stories you’re telling yourself? Look around at your reality, and like me, you’ll know your stories. We are our stories, whether they dwell on politics, the economy, kindness, positivity, or something else. All of us see what we expect to see, and...