In a French class I’m taking, we were required to watch the movie, Lost Illusions, from the book by author Honore de Balzac, about a young man with grand illusions who went to Paris and saw all his dreams shattered. He returned home disillusioned and wiser....
It was a full moon kind of night, and my friend and I were camping in a beautiful state park in south central Florida. We’d just gotten a lively campfire going (actually she did all the work, I was preparing to enjoy it) when a guy comes to the edge of our...
“Are you for real?” one of my very bright coaching clients said. He knew better, but he was so astonished at what a colleague had said via a group chat, he just blurted out that question. And of course, it went downhill from there. I’m amazed at how just a...
You are not what you did on your worst day, but an accumulation of all you’ve done in life. When I heard that statement recently it made me think of how often we focus on all the things we’ve done that haven’t worked out the way we wanted. We tend to keep auto...
There was a time, a long time ago, when I was going through a divorce and could only focus on a few hours at a time. To think about surviving a whole weekend seemed impossible, but I could damn well make it to noon. That strategy stayed with me until I got...
I have never been in more uncomfortable seats in my life, and that’s saying something since I’ve flownon dozens of cramped, small planes with no leg room unless you’re under four feet tall. But these seatswere the absolute worst. I was sitting in the Schubert Theater...