Their Worst, Against Our Best?

Have you ever thought about the fact that often we judge someone’s worst behavior against our best behavior?  The other day I was with someone who was very annoyed about something and lashed out at me in the process. I took it personally (I shouldn’t have) and...

A Partial View

In his Educare Unlearning blog, Sandy Wilder talked about partialness, and said: “Pretty much every time we look at and identify someone, we are choosing a partial view.” He went on to say that we then believe in this partial perspective and judge accordingly. And it...

A Life without Free Will?

Robert Sapolsky says we have no free will. Sapolsky, a Stanford University neurobiologist, explains in his book, Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will, that neurochemical influences that occurred milliseconds ago to centuries in the past are...

The Power of Stories

While spending time with my brother, a retired Methodist minister, we started swapping examples of “do’s and don’ts” when trying to make a point. We talked about some that worked, and some that just made you wonder, what on earth were they thinking!...

Choices 101

Psychologist Dr. Martin Seligman, known as the father of Positive Psychology, tells the story of being with his daughter one day when she turned to him and told him he was grouchy. He had never considered that label for himself, but reluctantly admitted that...

What a Difference a Day Makes, Depending on Your Attitude

I was wondering if this was the universe sending me yet another test I needed to pass. If so, I was failing miserably. Just as I was getting ready to board for a flight to Atlanta and on to Houston, my name was called. Somehow, I had two seats, and I needed to decide...